STICK WORLD® is an internationally licensed art and entertainment brand. Originally introduced to the market 25 years ago, Billy Attinger's Stick World® quickly developed a cult following and became one of the most popular and iconic brands of the 90's. The cleverly designed paintings feature witty stick figures that capture a plethora of humorous, quirky and cool characters that everyone from environmentalists and sports fans to grandmothers and geeks have come to appreciate and enjoy! The instantly identifiable, fantastically simple stick figure characters speak clearly and decisively to every eye they catch and celebrate the fun personalities we encounter everyday in pop culture. They have the power to stir emotions.
Whether it's smug smiles, hearty giggles or nods of appreciation the Stick World designs demand reaction! Stick World® artwork has already sold tens of millions of dollars at retail across the globe, having been featured on a wide variety of products from greeting cards, stickers, books and clothing - stick around and see what pops up next!
Property Type: Art & Entertainment Property
Licensed Products: Art, Apparel, Stationery, Greeting Cards
Target Market: All ages & demographics
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